Bace Cybersecurity Institute

Better Security Everywhere 

The Bace Cybersecurity Institute was founded in honor and memory of internationally recognized cybersecurity expert Rebecca (Becky) Bace. Our mission is to deliver better security everywhere.  

Security Impacts Everyone

Businesses, governments and individuals are impacted by security. From educating individuals and making security awareness a cultural norm to paving the way for businesses and governments to embed security practices and technology into the fabric of their operation, Bace Cybersecurity Institute focuses on understanding, empowering and taking action across four critical areas driving continual improvement toward a safer, more secure cyber world.

Our Pillars


The Bace Cybersecurity Institute takes a research-led approach to technical innovation.  Only when we truly understand a problem can we begin to take steps to solve it. 


One of the issues facing cybersecurity is that although there are often solutions to the problems being faced, the commercialization of those techniques is not always available. At BCI we want to help make sure useful technologies and processes get into the commercial sector.


Many people and organizations don't know what they should be doing for cybersecurity. Where does one get started? Where do you maintain your skills? BCI wants to get the right level of education to the right people so they can take the right actions.

Public Policy  

To protect small business and consumers public policies or standards are need to help create baselines for acceptable security. BCI will maintain awareness and identify benefical initiatives around public policy issues impacting cybersecurity.